Oxygen Staff Blog

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My story begins here

You know the saying, “today is the first day of the rest of your life?” While it may be cliché, those were the very words that flashed through my mind back in January when I decided the days of hating my body and being unhealthy were over. As we near the anniversary of that day I realize now, how true that thought was.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Welcome to my blog! I’m the fact checker and researcher here at Oxygen. I also write for the specials, but never, in a millions years, did I think I’d ever grace their pages.

My entire life I’ve struggled with my weight, always being the fat girl with “the pretty face,” (which, to me, just meant the fat girl). And when I started here in October 2009, weighing just under 200 pounds, I thought, much like a pair of size six skinny jeans, I’d never fit in.

But when you get your copy of our new Fat Loss special in the mail or on newsstands, flip to page 97. Yep, that’s me—down almost 50 pounds from that day in January, when I looked down at my size 15 not-so-skinny jeans and said “to hell with this,” and never looked back. By the way, I’m wearing skinny jeans as I write this. You guessed it, size six!

I’m so proud of all I’ve accomplished this year – and believe me, it wasn’t an easy one – but my journey doesn’t end here. The photo shoot for Fat Loss was the greatest celebration of my transformation that I could have asked for, but it’s just a page in my story.

I invite all of you to join me here for the next eight weeks while I continue to improve my health and fitness, work towards new goals, and learn what it really means to live a fit and healthy lifestyle. I hope we can motivate each other! What fat loss struggles have you faced? How did you overcome them?

I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.


  1. Congratulations Kirstyn, your story is super inspiring. And I'm glad I get to witness the transformation from week to week. Keep up the great work, you look fantastic!

  2. You deserve to be proud of yourself! Your commitment to it accomplished so much, so fast, so healthily. I'm proud of you, too!

  3. Way to go, KB! You're such an inspiration. I admire your drive and focus throughout your transformation. I will always now ask myself, "What Would Kirstyn Do?" when faced with a jar of almond butter. Keep rocking those jeans, you look great!

  4. Congrats on how far you have come, Kirstyn! I'm excited to read about your transformation, both inside and out! And I think that's the most important part of it all - I can see the change in your confidence and in your demeanour which is far more important than just rocking your "skinny jean" (which you do well, by the way). Keep it up, hot stuff! :)

  5. Thanks Oxy ladies! I couldn't have done it without your support this year. You all inspire me.
