Oxygen Staff Blog

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The universal appeal of exercise

Growing up, I wasn’t exactly what you would call a “star athlete.” The only sports I generally participated in were ones that could be stopped and started with the flick of a switch. (NHL 95, anyone?) In fact, I think that equating my athletic abilities to those of an overtly excited puppy would be spot-on – sure, I’ll jump for the ball you toss me, but there’s no guarantee I won’t miss it, fall flat on my bum or find an old slipper to chew on instead. (Trust me, don’t ask.)

But when I discovered fitness in my teens – first through exercise videos, then via a nearby gym – I found a place where I belonged. What I love about exercise is that it’s for everyone; if you don’t dig running, there’s the elliptical. If step aerobics turn you off, kickboxing is there to step up to the plate. You don’t have to have coordination or talent or a six-pack you could grate cheese on: exercise doesn’t discriminate. And the best part is, you can only get better at it.

Here I am this morning, jotting down my cardio and abs routine in my workout journal. Remember to bring yours with you when you go to the gym - otherwise you'll be stuck like me, trying fruitlessly to recall what you did after the fact. (Thanks to Kim for acting as photographer!)

Now, I know that not everyone shares my gung-ho attitude when it comes to fitness, so let me ask you: When you first started exercising, did you latch onto it right away or did it take some time for you to get into the groove? And once you got there, what did you find you liked the most about working out?


  1. I basically always sucked at every sport at school. I never exercised until I was 26, 3 years ago. I started following an easy aerobic class at a gym near I worked and didn't stop going to the gym since then. What I like most about working-out? It sounds very selfish, but I like the fact that it is all about me: no team & no game rules.

  2. Elise, you've hit the nail on the head! The me, myself and I aspect of exercise is one of the many reasons why I enjoy it so much. No one gets a participant's ribbon - everyone's a winner. :)
