Oxygen Staff Blog

Thursday, March 17, 2011

How do you de-stress?

Have you ever come dangerously close to being late for work because you “temporarily” unplugged your Blackberry to charge up your electric toothbrush the night before…and forgot to plug it back in?

I’d like to say “Me neither,” but that’s exactly what happened to me this morning.

Running late always does something to me: It stresses me out, no matter how clean my teeth are.

The same goes for traffic jams, looming deadlines and (I admit it!) catching up on old episodes of Dexter. It all sends my body into stress mode.

And, apparently, I’m not alone. According to a recent survey by the American Psychological Association, almost half of women in the United States reported feeling increased levels of stress in the past year.

That’s a staggering amount, especially considering the effect that stress can have on our bodies and health: Experts have linked it to everything from headaches, sleeping problems and reduced concentration to increased blood pressure and even belly fat (due to a spike in the hormone cortisol).

So, what are you doing to add more calm to your life?

I love to meet with a friend for a warm cup of tea, run a bubble bath on a Friday night or take in a really good read (Do you have any suggestions? I’m currently working through Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda). I also love to get outdoors. There’s a cute little park by a lake in my city, and when I take walks there, feeling the nice warm breeze against my face in the spring, I can feel the stress exiting my body, sort of like a wrinkle being ironed out of a shirt.

I’d love to hear your de-stressing techniques. Do you hit the gym? Listen to music? Relax with a copy of Oxygen? Let me know!

And if you’re looking for some expert tips, check out Oxygen’s Abs Special issue, on sale April 12. We’ve got a whole article devoted to cutting some of your most common stressors.


  1. A full 90 minute yoga class in my hot studio. It leaves me feeling so refreshed and so clean. Plus I just go ahead and leave my cell phone behind as I shop in Whole Foods next door after class to feed my burning metabolism with healthy fresh veggies and the best choices of prime cuts of meat! I can't wait for this Saturday.. only 2 days away!

  2. I recently read Secret Daughter. Really enjoyed it!

  3. I let go of pushing myself to take action for the sake of action, I remind myself to be easier on myself, I look for the bright side in any situation, I journal and meditate, I go to my favorite yoga class, I watch a funny movie, I do something special to take care of myself...

  4. Get in Shape Girl, I love the tip about leaving your cell phone behind. I should do more of that too (maybe then I'll also have less mornings where I'm running behind!)

    Stacy, we'll have to swap notes when I'm done :)

    Shella, those are fantastic ways to take it easy on yourself and just "relax". What are your go-to funny movies? I find that an episode of The Office always perks my mood.

  5. As much as I hate doing them, washing the dishes always destresses me because I know that in about 20 minutes I can sit back and not have to worry about the mountain in my kitchen sink!

    And it might be cliche, but exercise always allows me the time to stop, reflect and enjoy myself. :)

  6. You can do my dishes any time, Rachel! :) Though I do have to agree that a clean, clutter-free environment is so relaxing and just nice to be in. Messy places just feel like chaos!
