I can't speak for every woman out there, but I think many of us are intimidated by weight rooms, especially those of us just starting out in fitness. I remember when I joined the gym in March of this year, I really had to psych myself up to walk into the weight room alone. I'd put on imaginary blinders and repeat to myself: "No one is looking at you. No one cares what you look like. We're all here to get fit."
Now, several months later and more than 40 pounds lighter, I no longer have to rely on that mantra to walk into the testosterone-packed weight room at my gym. I don't even give it a second thought.
But yesterday, in an attempt to get back on track following the holidays, I tagged along with a guy friend to his gym in our hometown. Now, no matter who you are, a new gym is often a challenging experience. The equipment is unfamiliar, you don't know where anything is, even the air quality is different and can affect your performance. And for the first time in months, as I glanced around that gym, not an unfit (or female) body in sight, I felt those feelings of intimidation come rushing back.
I almost decided to avoid the weight area entirely by sticking to the treadmill on the other side of the room. But then I thought about how far I've come in finess and all of the goals I have yet to achieve. I realized that even after everything I've accomplished, there will always be obstacles along the way, and quitting was no way to overcome them.
So instead of falling back on my old mantra, I said to myself: "You're a tough chick. So what if they are looking at you? They'll see what you're made of." And proceeded to have a killer leg workout (that I am reminded of with each step today. Ouch!)
I'd love to hear about your similar experiences! Do weight rooms shake your confidence? How do you persevere?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Soul Food
No matter how dedicated you are to your clean and fit lifestyle, there’s always going to be something that pops up in life and challenges that commitment. For me, it’s visiting family in my hometown in southwestern Ontario, Canada – especially around the holidays. There are so many temptations and distractions – comfort food, celebrating with cocktails, running around visiting with friends and relatives – that my usual routine of five small meals and a daily sweat session get left in the dust.
My trip home this past weekend was no exception. As usual, I prepared for the challenge, armed with an arsenal of fit-gal weaponry. Into my suitcase went my sneakers, gym clothes, a yoga DVD and some clean snacks. But as usual, that's where they stayed for most of the weekend.
While I did manage eat clean 75 percent of the time and sneak in one workout – a calorie-blasting Thai boxing lesson – I doubt it cancelled out the white pasta, wine, turkey dinner, desserts and abnormal sleeping patterns.
In the past, a high-calorie, gym-free weekend would put me in a guilty funk. But this time, I returned to the city Sunday evening ready to get back on track – well rested with a clear head, a full belly and a warm heart.
Monday morning, over coffee and a spinach egg-white omelette, I forgave myself for the libations and sweet treats and instead, gave thanks for all the love and support I have back home. I’ve always said: Time with family is good for the soul. And what’s good for the soul has its health benefits too.
I’d love to know: Who or what in your life challenges your health and fitness regimen and how do you combat it? When you do slip up, how do you get back on track?
My trip home this past weekend was no exception. As usual, I prepared for the challenge, armed with an arsenal of fit-gal weaponry. Into my suitcase went my sneakers, gym clothes, a yoga DVD and some clean snacks. But as usual, that's where they stayed for most of the weekend.
While I did manage eat clean 75 percent of the time and sneak in one workout – a calorie-blasting Thai boxing lesson – I doubt it cancelled out the white pasta, wine, turkey dinner, desserts and abnormal sleeping patterns.
In the past, a high-calorie, gym-free weekend would put me in a guilty funk. But this time, I returned to the city Sunday evening ready to get back on track – well rested with a clear head, a full belly and a warm heart.
Monday morning, over coffee and a spinach egg-white omelette, I forgave myself for the libations and sweet treats and instead, gave thanks for all the love and support I have back home. I’ve always said: Time with family is good for the soul. And what’s good for the soul has its health benefits too.
I’d love to know: Who or what in your life challenges your health and fitness regimen and how do you combat it? When you do slip up, how do you get back on track?
Monday, December 20, 2010
A pep talk from Trish Stratus
I'll never forget the day I met fitness model and former WWE Diva Trish Stratus. It couldn't have come at a better time. It was two weeks before my transformation photo shoot for our upcoming Fat Loss special. I was getting really excited, but also a little nervous about being in front of the camera, since I've spent most of my life trying to avoid them. Stacy Kennedy, Oxygen Editor-in-Chief, invited me to sit in on Trish's photo shoot to get some pointers on posing for the camera. What I got was a mega dose of motivation.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The key to success
I didn’t just wake up one morning, have an epiphany and decide, “Today is the day I’m going to start getting fit,” and voila! New body! You’ll read more about my lifelong struggle with weight in the upcoming issue of Fat Loss, but let’s just say, I’ve had more failed attempts at getting fit over the years than I care to admit.
I’d make a pact with myself that I’d start my diet and fitness program on Monday, and this time, I was going to stick to it. But stress or laziness or my love of pizza would win the battle every time, and, let’s face it – I never put up that much of a fight. Sound familiar?
So, what made this attempt the one that stuck? Well, the Oxygen lifestyle and the support I received here at work were certainly key factors. But, I’m going to let you all in on a big secret to my fat loss. Ready? Here it is: Don’t go it alone. Find a friend with similar health and fitness goals and team up. Work together, motivate each other and have fun doing it.
When I recruited one of my best friends to support each other in reaching our fitness goals, everything started getting easier, and more fun! I started looking forward to our weekly emails where we’d swap recipes, training tips and celebrate our successes.
So if you’re struggling with motivation or accountability, it may be time to call for reinforcements. Reach out to a friend that you can count on that has expressed interest in getting healthy. At the end of each day or week, touch base with each other on how you’re doing. It will be the best gift you could give each other this holiday, and a great way to start the new year.
Let me know how it goes! How does your get-fit buddy keep you motivated and how do you celebrate your fitness gains?
I’d make a pact with myself that I’d start my diet and fitness program on Monday, and this time, I was going to stick to it. But stress or laziness or my love of pizza would win the battle every time, and, let’s face it – I never put up that much of a fight. Sound familiar?
So, what made this attempt the one that stuck? Well, the Oxygen lifestyle and the support I received here at work were certainly key factors. But, I’m going to let you all in on a big secret to my fat loss. Ready? Here it is: Don’t go it alone. Find a friend with similar health and fitness goals and team up. Work together, motivate each other and have fun doing it.
When I recruited one of my best friends to support each other in reaching our fitness goals, everything started getting easier, and more fun! I started looking forward to our weekly emails where we’d swap recipes, training tips and celebrate our successes.
So if you’re struggling with motivation or accountability, it may be time to call for reinforcements. Reach out to a friend that you can count on that has expressed interest in getting healthy. At the end of each day or week, touch base with each other on how you’re doing. It will be the best gift you could give each other this holiday, and a great way to start the new year.
Let me know how it goes! How does your get-fit buddy keep you motivated and how do you celebrate your fitness gains?
Monday, December 13, 2010
My "Aha" Moment
Sometimes, when you achieve something you’ve worked long and hard for, the reality of that success can take a while to sink in. When it finally hits you, you’re blindsided with overwhelming feelings of accomplishment and pride. I believe this is what is known as the “aha” moment – that moment when you realize “I did it!”
Mine came during my photo shoot for our upcoming Oxygen Fat Loss special issue (you can pick it up on January 4!). I was posing under the lights, my makeup done, wind in my hair. The camera was clicking away, but something in me wasn’t clicking at all.
That’s when the image of my “before” picture flashed through my mind – a snapshot of an unhealthy, unhappy girl who lacked confidence in herself. Up until that point, I don’t think I had really believed I’d come this far. (When you see my “before” photo on page 96, you won’t believe it either!)
But there I was, doing a real magazine photo shoot for a story about my weight-loss journey – and I started believing! After that moment, my eyes lit up, my shoulders relaxed and I started workin’ it. Our photographer said, “What just happened?” I said, “I just figured it out.”
So, take moments now and then to celebrate your successes, even the small ones, and never stop trusting in yourself and what you’re capable of. You’ve come this far, so start believing and get workin’ it!
I’d love to know, do you take the time to pat yourself on the back now and then? How do you celebrate your achievements?
Mine came during my photo shoot for our upcoming Oxygen Fat Loss special issue (you can pick it up on January 4!). I was posing under the lights, my makeup done, wind in my hair. The camera was clicking away, but something in me wasn’t clicking at all.
That’s when the image of my “before” picture flashed through my mind – a snapshot of an unhealthy, unhappy girl who lacked confidence in herself. Up until that point, I don’t think I had really believed I’d come this far. (When you see my “before” photo on page 96, you won’t believe it either!)
But there I was, doing a real magazine photo shoot for a story about my weight-loss journey – and I started believing! After that moment, my eyes lit up, my shoulders relaxed and I started workin’ it. Our photographer said, “What just happened?” I said, “I just figured it out.”
So, take moments now and then to celebrate your successes, even the small ones, and never stop trusting in yourself and what you’re capable of. You’ve come this far, so start believing and get workin’ it!
I’d love to know, do you take the time to pat yourself on the back now and then? How do you celebrate your achievements?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Blueprint for success

I’m sure many of you have similar dreams, stories and struggles. Maybe you’ve had success with weight loss in the past, but then life throws you a curve ball and you put it back on again (and then some!). Or maybe you’ve tried time and time again to stick to a diet or exercise regimen, only you can’t pass the drive-thru without stopping or you can’t seem to get off the couch to get to the gym. Sound familiar?
Trust me, I’ve been there and take it from me: you can do it. Just decide the time is now, and take it one day at a time. Don’t even wait for your copy of Fat Loss to get started. Grab your sneakers, lace up, and get outside.
While you walk, or jog, think about your goals and how you want to achieve them. When you come back refreshed and minus a couple hundred calories, do a brain dump into a journal or planner. Start by listing your goals. Mine looked something like this:
Kirstyn’s health and fitness goals:
• Gain body confidence
• Get down to a healthy body weight
• Improve strength
• Rock skinny jeans
Once you’ve listed your goals, make a plan. Start small and break it down into bite-size, realistic strategies that will work for you and your life. I started with a three-month plan:
Month 1: Diet Overhaul
• Eat clean
• Eliminate white sugar
• Start food journal
• Eat 5-6 small meals daily
• Drink more water
Month 2: Incorporate Exercise
• Yoga once a week
• Spin once a week
• Take walks after main meals
Month 3: Crank it up
• Join the gym by my house
• Hire trainer
Keep it simple. After those first four weeks of just eating better and keeping track of it in a journal, I dropped eight pounds!
I have to be honest. The idea of this blog and sharing my personal story with all of you has been pretty intimidating. But I hope as we get to know each other, you’ll feel you can share your stories with me too. I’m sure I can learn a lot from all of you. What does your list of goals look like? In the past, what has kept you from achieving them?
• Start food journal
• Eat 5-6 small meals daily
• Drink more water
Month 2: Incorporate Exercise
• Yoga once a week
• Spin once a week
• Take walks after main meals
Month 3: Crank it up
• Join the gym by my house
• Hire trainer
Keep it simple. After those first four weeks of just eating better and keeping track of it in a journal, I dropped eight pounds!
I have to be honest. The idea of this blog and sharing my personal story with all of you has been pretty intimidating. But I hope as we get to know each other, you’ll feel you can share your stories with me too. I’m sure I can learn a lot from all of you. What does your list of goals look like? In the past, what has kept you from achieving them?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My story begins here
You know the saying, “today is the first day of the rest of your life?” While it may be cliché, those were the very words that flashed through my mind back in January when I decided the days of hating my body and being unhealthy were over. As we near the anniversary of that day I realize now, how true that thought was.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Welcome to my blog! I’m the fact checker and researcher here at Oxygen. I also write for the specials, but never, in a millions years, did I think I’d ever grace their pages.
My entire life I’ve struggled with my weight, always being the fat girl with “the pretty face,” (which, to me, just meant the fat girl). And when I started here in October 2009, weighing just under 200 pounds, I thought, much like a pair of size six skinny jeans, I’d never fit in.
But when you get your copy of our new Fat Loss special in the mail or on newsstands, flip to page 97. Yep, that’s me—down almost 50 pounds from that day in January, when I looked down at my size 15 not-so-skinny jeans and said “to hell with this,” and never looked back. By the way, I’m wearing skinny jeans as I write this. You guessed it, size six!
I’m so proud of all I’ve accomplished this year – and believe me, it wasn’t an easy one – but my journey doesn’t end here. The photo shoot for Fat Loss was the greatest celebration of my transformation that I could have asked for, but it’s just a page in my story.
I invite all of you to join me here for the next eight weeks while I continue to improve my health and fitness, work towards new goals, and learn what it really means to live a fit and healthy lifestyle. I hope we can motivate each other! What fat loss struggles have you faced? How did you overcome them?
I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Welcome to my blog! I’m the fact checker and researcher here at Oxygen. I also write for the specials, but never, in a millions years, did I think I’d ever grace their pages.
My entire life I’ve struggled with my weight, always being the fat girl with “the pretty face,” (which, to me, just meant the fat girl). And when I started here in October 2009, weighing just under 200 pounds, I thought, much like a pair of size six skinny jeans, I’d never fit in.
But when you get your copy of our new Fat Loss special in the mail or on newsstands, flip to page 97. Yep, that’s me—down almost 50 pounds from that day in January, when I looked down at my size 15 not-so-skinny jeans and said “to hell with this,” and never looked back. By the way, I’m wearing skinny jeans as I write this. You guessed it, size six!
I’m so proud of all I’ve accomplished this year – and believe me, it wasn’t an easy one – but my journey doesn’t end here. The photo shoot for Fat Loss was the greatest celebration of my transformation that I could have asked for, but it’s just a page in my story.
I invite all of you to join me here for the next eight weeks while I continue to improve my health and fitness, work towards new goals, and learn what it really means to live a fit and healthy lifestyle. I hope we can motivate each other! What fat loss struggles have you faced? How did you overcome them?
I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.
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