Oxygen Staff Blog

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Babes in boy land

I can't speak for every woman out there, but I think many of us are intimidated by weight rooms, especially those of us just starting out in fitness. I remember when I joined the gym in March of this year, I really had to psych myself up to walk into the weight room alone. I'd put on imaginary blinders and repeat to myself: "No one is looking at you. No one cares what you look like. We're all here to get fit."

Now, several months later and more than 40 pounds lighter, I no longer have to rely on that mantra to walk into the testosterone-packed weight room at my gym. I don't even give it a second thought.

But yesterday, in an attempt to get back on track following the holidays, I tagged along with a guy friend to his gym in our hometown. Now, no matter who you are, a new gym is often a challenging experience. The equipment is unfamiliar, you don't know where anything is, even the air quality is different and can affect your performance. And for the first time in months, as I glanced around that gym, not an unfit (or female) body in sight, I felt those feelings of intimidation come rushing back.

I almost decided to avoid the weight area entirely by sticking to the treadmill on the other side of the room. But then I thought about how far I've come in finess and all of the goals I have yet to achieve. I realized that even after everything I've accomplished, there will always be obstacles along the way, and quitting was no way to overcome them.

So instead of falling back on my old mantra, I said to myself: "You're a tough chick. So what if they are looking at you? They'll see what you're made of." And proceeded to have a killer leg workout (that I am reminded of with each step today. Ouch!)

I'd love to hear about your similar experiences! Do weight rooms shake your confidence? How do you persevere?


  1. Weight rooms don't really shake my confidence. That could be for a few reasons though... When I go to the actual gym, it's in the morning and the only other people there have quite a few years (I'd say at least 20) on me... The gym at my work is usually vacant, hahaha! But if there are people in there, they're usually doing cardio.

  2. I totally agree with you Kirstyn: A new environment almost always throws me for a loop. It's usually only a few seconds of self-doubt, and once I reassure myself that I can navigate through this new location with a bit of patience (and a dash of humility when I need to ask where something is or how to adjust an unfamiliar piece of machinery), I tackle my workout with confidence. And once I've reached that mindset, it's actually exciting to discover a new workout area to play in! :) Thanks for reminding us to not see these type of things as obstacles, but opportunities to prove to yourself just how far you have come!
