Oxygen Staff Blog

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Soul Food

No matter how dedicated you are to your clean and fit lifestyle, there’s always going to be something that pops up in life and challenges that commitment. For me, it’s visiting family in my hometown in southwestern Ontario, Canada – especially around the holidays. There are so many temptations and distractions – comfort food, celebrating with cocktails, running around visiting with friends and relatives – that my usual routine of five small meals and a daily sweat session get left in the dust.

My trip home this past weekend was no exception. As usual, I prepared for the challenge, armed with an arsenal of fit-gal weaponry. Into my suitcase went my sneakers, gym clothes, a yoga DVD and some clean snacks. But as usual, that's where they stayed for most of the weekend.

While I did manage eat clean 75 percent of the time and sneak in one workout – a calorie-blasting Thai boxing lesson – I doubt it cancelled out the white pasta, wine, turkey dinner, desserts and abnormal sleeping patterns.

In the past, a high-calorie, gym-free weekend would put me in a guilty funk. But this time, I returned to the city Sunday evening ready to get back on track – well rested with a clear head, a full belly and a warm heart.

Monday morning, over coffee and a spinach egg-white omelette, I forgave myself for the libations and sweet treats and instead, gave thanks for all the love and support I have back home. I’ve always said: Time with family is good for the soul. And what’s good for the soul has its health benefits too.

I’d love to know: Who or what in your life challenges your health and fitness regimen and how do you combat it? When you do slip up, how do you get back on track?


  1. Any time I am not eating at home or work (when I pack) is a struggle for me; not having contol over what's being served. When I slip up, I just put it in the past and start the next day with a healthy breakfast and continue the healthy pattern. The weekend before Christmas was FULL of unhealthy eating. Monday I ate healthy all day, ran 6 miles, and did 20 minutes of intense upper body strength training.

  2. I'll be heading out of town for the New Year - I always bring my own meals and snacks. I catch a lot of slack from others about my eating habits and choices which has been my struggle. I really don't care for their choice of foods. Regardless of what they say my body thanks me every day and I choose to eat the foods I bring. I'll indulge in a cocktail or two along with the others. I've learned to just acknowledge them and their efforts as they try to get me to sample their meals. I thank them for the offering but also let them know my perferences and why I choose to eat what I do. Embrace the difference in each other and enjoy the company. I'm hoping one day they'll see I'm not trying to offend them but just do what's right for me.

  3. Thanks for the comments, ladies! It's always inspiring to hear how other women take on health and fitness challenges.

    Emily: way to stick to your guns! Not everyone understands a commitment to clean eating and that can be difficult. I commend your unshakably strong will.

    Christal: You've motivated me to get in some cardio today, too. I think I'll go for a run!
