Oxygen Staff Blog

Friday, January 7, 2011

Back in the swing

Happy Friday, everyone!

Well, I have to pat myself on the back. It's been a bit of a struggle, but I'd say Week One of getting back on track post-holidays has been a success! I've hit the iron everyday so far and worked in a 30-minute cardio session on Monday and Wednesday. I've got a nice long run planned for tomorrow that I can't wait for. As for my diet, I'm scaling back my carbs a bit and piling on the veggies in an attempt to shed a couple of unwanted pounds I got for Christmas. Funny, I don't remember that being on my list!

Already, the regular exercise and balanced, clean meals have me feeling re-energized and anxious to get to the gym each day. So that's where I'm headed now. Here, at Robert Kennedy Publishing, we're spoiled with the luxury of an in-house gym. That means no excuses!

Today, I'll be focusing on one of my favorite body parts to train: Arms! I love the way my biceps pop after a good pump, and knowing that my triceps - an area I've always stressed about - are that much closer to being tighter and toned. After all, tank top season is just around the corner.

As a reward for all my hard work this week, my arms are in for a surprise today. I've decided to mix it up with a new workout I've been meaning to try from our November 2010 issue of Oxygen (the one with the gorgeous and gleaming Tosca Reno on the cover). This routine includes one of my favorite triceps moves, skull crushers, and also one of my favorite lean muscle-building techniques, drop sets. I can almost feel the burn now. I'll let you know how it goes!

But enough about me, I want to hear about your first week of 2011! Are you getting on track or are you struggling to get in the groove? Don't forget: whatever successes you've had so far, big or small, celebrate them! Also, I'm always looking for new ways to train my tris. What are some of your favorite moves?


  1. My first week of 2011 was a rough start... My goal was to start the last week of December though. That week I did great! Tomorrow starts back on track though. My clean meals and snacks are prepared and my gym time is scheduled in the midst of my chaotic day!

    I love bench dips!

  2. I know how you feel, Christal. The first week getting back into a routine can definitely be a challenge. Sounds like you're back on track now though, keep it up!

    Bench dips are killer! I love them, too. I'll be sure to throw a few sets in the mix this week. Train hard!
