Oxygen Staff Blog

Monday, February 7, 2011

My fitness rights and wrongs

First off, welcome to my first post! I’m excited to talk to you guys about what floats my fitness boat and hear your questions and comments – don’t be afraid to speak up!

As Oxygen’s Fitness Editor, a job that I love more and more with each passing day, I try to live the Oxygen lifestyle to a T – but I will admit that things don’t always go as planned. Deadlines, nagging injuries and late night pizza runs creep up every now and again, forcing me to steer from the straight and narrow path I have set. It happens to everyone, and the only thing I can do is resolve to get back on that proverbial horse the next day!

Here’s a mental exercise that I find helpful when I’m facing roadblocks: Take a second to pat yourself on the back and applaud yourself for what you do right, and briefly look at what you need to improve on. I’ve shared a few of my own with you below – but I can assure you that the first list is a completely abbreviated version!

Where I’m lagging:
  1. My diet is less than stellar. There’s not a gummy bear in the world that I would turn down, and I’ve never been one to say no to a cocktail refill. It’s getting better, but I know that improvements can still be made.
  2. I consider myself a pretty understanding person when it comes to others, but I am often hard on myself for my shortcomings. Taking a look at what I’m doing right (see below) helps me overcome some of my personal anxiety.
  3. I would rather sit through a Family Matters marathon than train my legs. I’ve got a post coming up on that very topic in the near future, so stay tuned! (As you can see, shameless plugs are another of my weaknesses.)
What I’m doing right:
  1. Working out is no longer something I do to change the way I look – it’s how I relax, how I reward myself and how I learn more about what my body can accomplish.
  2. I’m lucky enough to have the physical health to jump, swim, run and lift without any pain or discomfort. I realize that not everyone can say that, and it makes me thankful for what I’ve got.
  3. I’m no longer scared to try new things; I don’t just think that I can do anything, I know that I can! Rock climbing? Bring it on! Hip hop dance classes? Me and my two left feet will be there with bells on! Greco-Roman wrestling? Well…maybe we’ll work up to that one.
Now I’m going to turn the tables on you. Fitness- and health-wise, what do you excel at and what do you have to work on?


  1. Great first post, Rach.

    No one is perfect, not even you, our resident fitness expert! So why think of your somewhat weaker areas as "wrongs," when you excel in so many other aspects of fitness (and have the ripped physique to prove it). There's a reason I always come to you with my training queries..

    But I can related to your point here. I struggle when it comes to running long distances and pushing myself when working out on my own. But I try to think of these things as areas I can improve in and continue focusing on my strengths to keep me motivated and confident. Good luck on the blog, I look forward to following it!

  2. Excellent point, Kirstyn - as I'm doing the best that I can, there are really no "wrongs" when it comes to fitness! Thanks for putting a positive spin on things - as we should all do when it comes to our exercise efforts. :)
