Oxygen Staff Blog

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Burn, baby, burn!

If you are like me and you love to hate the next-day muscle soreness you feel from a good workout (obviously not to be confused with injuries, sports fans), you've come to the right place!

In my own training, I've found that the best way to really feel the burn on any part of my body is with supersets, which is done by following one set of an exercise immediately with a set of another. This can be done with opposing muscle groups, such as your chest and back, or by targeting the same muscle group with both exercises (which is personally my favorite way to go). By reducing your rest periods, you'll also decrease the length of your workout while increasing the amount of calories burned. In fact, they are so effective that I've considered starting a petition to rename them "superdupersets." (The petition will be circulated with another sheet for those who want me to stop renaming things; ten bucks says I can guess which will be more popular.)

Here's three of my faves for your upper body, lower body and core. Try them in your next workout and let me know what you think!

Armed and dangerous superset
Do three to four supersets, resting one minute between each superset. Instead of splitting my arm training into tri and bi days like I used to, I've taken to doing supersets, following one triceps exercise with a biceps exercise or visa versa.

EXERCISE ONE: Body-weight triceps dips; 15 reps
EXERCISE TWO: Dumbbell hammer curls; 10 to 12 reps

Boost my booty superset
Do three supersets, resting one minute between each superset. This one is great because following a weighted exercise with a body-weight one really lets you push your butt to its limits. The best approach is to do as many walking lunges as you can before your form gives out - along with your legs.

EXERCISE ONE: Plie squats with dumbbell (holding a single weight with both hands, arms extended to the ground or slightly bent); 12 to 15 reps
EXERCISE TWO: Body-weight walking lunges; 30 reps (15 on each leg)

Killer core superset
Do three to four supersets, resting one minute between each superset. For a strong core, targeting your lower back as well as your abs is super important, so this pairing kills two birds with one stone.

EXERCISE ONE: Bench knee tucks (sit on the end of a bench, extend your legs while leaning back, then bend your legs, bringing your knees toward your chest while hinging your torso forward from your hips); 15 reps
EXERCISE TWO: Lower back extensions (using the back extension bench at the gym - if you want, you can even hold a weight against your chest), or supermans; 12 to 15 reps

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