Oxygen Staff Blog

Monday, April 11, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things

You might wonder what kinds of things Oxygen editors talk about when they aren’t discussing work. When we’re out to lunch or on a coffee run, anything goes. I’ve had chats with my fellow coworkers about everything from travel, politics, dodgeball, Justin Bieber, literature to mascara. We’re a pretty diverse crowd!

What makes me laugh is that, somehow, our chats always seem to circle back to the topic of health and fitness.

A few weeks ago, I found myself in a conversation with my “partner in crime” (we always bounce story ideas off each other!) Helen, Oxygen’s nutrition editor (who you’ll meet on Wednesday!) about some of our favorite health and fitness “must-haves”.

In the spirit of Oprah, I thought it would be fun to share a few of mine with you. Here they are:

Vitamin D drops. I keep these on my desk at work and take them with my first glass of water every morning (making it a part of a “routine” helps me to remember about them). Research is increasingly linking vitamin D to a host of health benefits including a lowered risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression, but it can be nearly impossible to get enough of it (experts recommend anywhere from 600 IU to 2,000 IU) through diet alone. You can read more about vitamin D in the March 2011 issue of Oxygen, and test your knowledge about this little vitamin by clicking here.

Sunscreen. Keeping my skin protected from the harmful effects of sun damage is important to me, especially now that the weather is starting to warm up and I’m spending increasingly more time outdoors. Melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer, is the most common form of cancer among young women my age (25 to 29) according to the American Academy of Dermatology, so I do my best to stay on the ball. My favorite sunscreen is B. Kamins Chemist Bio-Maple Sunbar Sunscreen SPF 30 because it’s oil free.

Green tea. I am definitely a tea kind of girl, and I keep a stash of different green tea flavors and brands at my desk, always. There’s nothing like sipping on a warm cup while working away on a story – or blogging! Not only is green tea comforting and tasty, but some studies have shown that it also has the potential to help fight cancer, burn fat, stave off dementia and even help to boost bone density. I’ll drink to that!

Things that make me laugh. I like to keep myself stocked up on items that give me a chuckle. It’s a great stress-reliever, and just a fun way to keep myself happy. I love posting funny pictures, articles and quotes around my cubicle. The latest addition? A photo of a pug puppy wearing a pair of pug puppy slippers that look just like him! (Thanks, Kim!)

What are some of your favorite health things? I’d love to hear from you.

1 comment:

  1. Do you like the tropical green tea flavor I gave you?
    - Your Partner-in-Crime
